Red-eyed Sea Monsters – Generalisers

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Reports often have generalisers in them – sentences that start with words or phrases such as:

Lots of…
A few…
The vast majority of…

The boy tribe used these generalisers to come up with some sentences about red-eyed sea monsters, all in just 5 minutes.

Here are some of them:

Lots of red-eyed sea monsters live in the deepest waters.  (Jean-Wei)

The vast majority of red-eyes mean death or danger. (Sanjay)

Some sea monsters are humungeous. (Tyler)

Many sea monsters sharpen their teeth. (Luke)

All red eyes are fast. (Adiel)

All red eye sea monsters poo as big as a water bottle. (Cayden)

Lots of red eyed sea monsters prefer warm water to cold water.  (Brandon)

Many red eyes are blue and red. (Shaiden)

Many sea monsters are really fast. (Keith)

Most sea monsters on our planet are dangerous. (Shayan)

All red eyes live in the bottom of oceans. (Balaji)

Some can swallow a ship with 60 pirates on board. (Mohsin)

Most sea monsters are extremely vicious. (Caleb)

Most megaladons eat 5,000 great white sharks in a gulp. (Eamon)

Most sea monsters like to swim around where pirates anchor. (Corbyn)

Most red-eyes are 100 years old. (Riley)

Some red eyes may die when pirates hunt them. (Tristan)

Some red eyed sea monsters hide their babies in a dark cave. (Nicholas)

Usually megaladons sharpen their teeth with daggers. (Archie)

Can you come up with some more of your own?



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